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Dominion (mod) | Game Design

Nancy Lin

Group Member:

Yan Gu, Zijie Zhang, Eunice Lim, Hsi(Nancy) Lin

Modification progress:

First, we play the original Dominion board game. And all our group member thinks the game takes too much time, and lack of player interactive.

Modification Goal:

1. Accelerate the game pace.

2. Increase the game interactions between players

Original Dominion

Modified Dominion

***Damage and Revival:


Resolve damage from action cards with each player in a clockwise direction.

If a player gets attacked, they roll the dice once, and the number on the dice is the damage that the player suffers.


If a player has a revival card when they die from damage, they can trash the revive card immediately to revive with 1 hp.

Revived players are invulnerable until their turn.

Other players can revive them to prevent the attacker from winning.

Players must be alive to revive other players.

Resolve any disputes in a clockwise direction (eg. multiple revives).


If a player chooses to revive another fallen player, they get to loot 1 random card from the fallen player’s current hand.

The reviver may choose to add the card to discard pile or trash it.

Additional Rules

Goal: the player kills another player wins the game.

Players can revive other players.

Reviver loot 1 random card from the reviver’s hand. Trash or keep.

Decrease starting treasure for each player: x5 coppers, x2 silver, x3 revives

Draw 3 cards from the hidden market at the beginning, then the next player only needs to draw 1 card to put in the position the card be purchased by the previous player.


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